Youth-Led Policy Advocacy in Africa
A Qualitative Analysis of Generation Z’s Mobilization Efforts against Fiscal Legislation in Kenya and its Implications for Democratic Governance in the Continent
Youth-Led Advocacy, Gen- Z, Democratic Governance, Mobilization EffortsAbstract
This qualitative study explores the mobilization efforts of Generation Z in Kenya against fiscal legislation and their implications for democratic governance in Africa. Using Social Movement Theory as a framework, the research employs observation, interviews, and documentation review to collect data from 15 informants, including Gen Z activists, policymakers, civil society representatives, and academic experts. The findings show that Gen Z has effectively utilized various mobilization strategies to drive social change, including social media, protests, and lobbying. Despite feeling disconnected from traditional politics, Gen Z is eager to engage with democracy on their own terms, pushing for greater representation and voice in democratic processes. Their activism has significantly influenced policy decisions, forced policymakers to take action, and led to significant reforms. The study concludes that Gen Z's mobilization efforts are transforming the political landscape, driving innovation, and shaping the future of democracy and social justice movements in Africa.
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